Market Themes & Outlook For 2021
2021 is finally here! For anybody involved in the financial markets 2020 was a wild ride to say the least. In our first week ahead video of the year we’ll be taking a look at the major market themes for 2021 as well as the outlook for the major asset classes in line with those themes.


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Congratulations! You’ve made it through 2020 and the new year is finally here.

For anybody involved in the financial markets 2020 was a wild ride to say the least, and with all the festivities out of the way it’s time to turn our attention back to the markets. Going into the new year, there will be two important themes to keep track of.

Firstly, is the consensus view of a global synchronized economic recovery, similar to the one we had in 2017 but bigger. Secondly, the size of the fiscal and monetary stimulus in 2020 has given rise to expectations that it might be enough to tackle the stubbornly low inflation that has plagued most of the developed world economies for the past decade.

Both of these two themes have been driving asset prices for the latter part of 2021 as the markets have been looking through the turmoil and towards a brighter future.

In our first week ahead video of the year we’ll be taking a closer look at these two themes and also discuss the outlook for the major asset classes in line with those themes.


Highlights of the video:

00:31 – Market Themes For 2021
04:42 – Expectations for FX Markets In 2021
09:25 – Expectations for Equities, Commodities & Bonds In 2021


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