How Litecoin Works? What is sCrypt hashing? What is SegWit? Litecoin vs Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Learn How Litecoin works in a short 3 min video, straight to the point!

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In this video, you will learn how Litecoin works, sCript, and the main Litecoin vs Bitcoin.

Litecoin was developed by Charlie Lee in October 2011, and the special thing with Litecoin is that a bigger amount of transactions happen faster, which means that more coins could be created with Litecoin.

How Litecoin works compared to Bitcoin? It was created as a fork of Bitcoin, so it also facilitates payments, making it super similar to Bitcoin.

If you wish to learn more about How Litecoin Works, what is sCrypt hashing, or anything about trading and investing cryptos, check out the courses we have:
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