Meta Pool - What is Meta Pool - How it Works - Meta Pool Review
Meta Pool - What is Meta Pool - How it Works - Meta Pool Review
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What is Meta Pool?
Meta Pool is a liquid staking protocol built on NEAR. People stake their NEAR tokens with Meta Pool using automatic staking strategies and receive "staked NEAR" tokens they can use in the DeFi NEARverse or they can be swapped any time back to original NEAR tokens to unstake.

What is liquid staking?
Liquid staking is an alternative to traditional staking: it allows users to stake any amount of NEAR and to effectively unstake their NEAR without the requirement of waiting 52 to 65 hours before NEAR token holders get their compounded rewards.

What is the stNEAR token?
This contract tokenizes your stake, allowing users to use their staked near as a NEP-141 token, called stNEAR. stNEARs represent staked NEAR. The amount of stNEAR you hold is automatically incremented each epoch when staking rewards are paid.

What is the $META token?
The Meta Pool contract integrates an NEP-141 token $META, which is the projects governance token. It has no value other than holders of $META participate in the governance of the platform and get to decide on the behaviour of the platform. This will be part of the second phase once we have finished the Community and General Availability launch.