Investing vs Trading: Watch This Before Risking Money
Investing vs. Trading is a free lecture from the Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy Without Losses course:

In this video - Investing vs. Trading, I will tell you in simple words what is investing and what is trading. I will tell you shortly my story and how I got into all of that.

I have graduated from Finance in the University, but I never had an idea of what exactly I am going to do. I was just good at math.

However, in our town, there was an office in one of the biggest Forex brokers nowadays. And by luck, my sister was working there. One day they moved her to a bigger office in a bigger city, and she proposed the job. I accepted, and there I found that trading was my passion, and later on investing after I had money to invest, of course.

Now, I don’t want you to get me wrong, but I started from the 0, nobody invested in me except my parents for the education I got, and that they were taking care of me for about 18 years.

But with trading and investing, it is really possible to start from scratch and build your career or at least a hobby which will bring you some extra money. Or you will know what to do with your savings.

What is the difference between Investing vs. Trading?
Take it that way.

If you are investing, you are using your savings to buy different assets at one price and to sell them at a higher price.

The different investors use different assets – stocks which are most popular, commodities where we might have some more costs for storage, like what made the Oil crash in 2020, or real estate, which is a very slow investment but a secured one.

Luckily nowadays, we have the cryptocurrencies, which give us the chance to profit much faster than any other asset.

But even the BTC is very volatile, and it moves over a $1 000 some days, you still need to be patient when you invest in cryptocurrencies. It might take weeks, months, or even years. It depends on what your strategy is and what your goal is.

Now trading is much more active. We buy assets, and we sell them in a couple of hours or even minutes. Mostly some trades last for a week or two.

I have over 25 courses about trading until the moment, and yes it is my passions, with trading I succeeded to save money. And when you succeed in saving money, it’s not probably the best thing to keep them in the bank…

And in the course, I will tell you why I am not doing that, and as well, I will share with you how I manage my savings and how I invest.

Investing vs. Trading is included in our Trading Packages:

The software that we prefer to use in the Academy:

★ Forex Strategy Builder Pro - 2 weeks trial:

★ EA Studio comes - Free course and 15-days trial:

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